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Opening offices for 4 communities at the headquarters of the National Human Rights Committee

In a new initiative, The National Human Rights Committee opened offices for communities in the presence of Indian Ambassador, the Acting Nepalese Ambassador, and the Egyptian and the Philippine labor attaches in the state in addition to the heads of these communities and officials of the NHRC. The new offices have been opened at the headquarters of the NHRC for four communities including the Indian, Egyptian, Filipino and Nepalese communities. Judge Fawaz Al Jtal, member of the NHRC, gave a speech on this occasion in which he stated that the opening of the communities offices came to reflect the realization and role of the NHRC in the promotion and protection of human rights, especially in the workers' rights, pointing out that these offices shall act as a link between the NHRC and residents, and through which we look forward to a fruitful cooperation with the communities in the coming period. Mr. Saad Al-Abdullah, head of international cooperation at the NHRC, stressed in a similar speech at the opening ceremony, promoting and protecting human rights is a key to the advance of societies. He added, As part of this mission, there was a long collaboration between the NHRC and the foreign communities in the country. At the NHRC, we aim at spreading awareness about human rights in a society characterized by the presence of a huge number of foreign workers in Qatar. Today we are here to celebrate the advancing of this collaboration to a new level by establishing a permanent community representatives offices of Egypt, Nepal, India, and the Philippines at the NHRC’s head office. This is just the first stage, as the NHRC looks forward to more offices for communities to be represented here. As some of you might know, this is an initiative that the NHRC has been developing for some time now, recognizing the importance of building bridges of communication with the various communities living in Qatar and contributing to its development. Those representatives who have been working long and hard with the NHRC, on their own time and volunteering to help their communities here in Qatar, now finally have a more official role and representation with the NHRC. Abdullah pointed out that the NHRC works on a daily basis to receive, register and follow-up on all concerns that are brought to us.  He added, we know that more can be done to obtain sources of information, reach out to those who have difficulty accessing the services available to them, whether due to working hours, transportation costs, language difficulties, legal fees or fear of raising a complaint. He expressed the hope in addressing such issues through the opening of the communities offices, calling for volunteers from the community representatives, who have been nominated by the embassies and communities, to support the continuation of the NHRC's work in the protection of human rights, pointing out that these representatives will function as a communication channel with their respective community populations, reflecting the problems faced that members may face, and to suggest practical and creative approaches to solving these. He also added, These desks you see today are not simply desks,  But they are also a symbol of NHRC's openness to the constructive contributions of migrant communities in Qatar, and a commitment to a continued engagement with you. Their effectiveness will be determined by the individuals who are assigned to staff them, and the quality of the dialogue between them and the NHRC. we look forward to continued engagement with these volunteers, to raise through them the voices of their community in Qatar. We are positive about our success of our efforts to having a positive impact in improving the those workers. The Indian Ambassador and Acting Nepalese embassy attaches labor Egyptian and Filipino welcomed opening of these offices and considered this initiative as a pioneering step for the benefit of foreign workers in the state in terms of protection of their rights, solving their problems, and processing of their complaints, they also praised the efforts of the NHRC and the permanent communication with embassies and officials of the communities in the state. Mr. Sanjiv Arora, Ambassador of the Republic of India to the state stated in his speech "We welcome the opening of offices of Communities at the National Human Rights Committee and we appreciate this initiative and look forward to similar future initiatives by the state of Qatar for the benefit of expatriate workers." Mr. Mani Ratna Sharma, the Acting Nepalese Ambassador, stressed the importance of the opening of offices for the Communities at the headquarters of the NHRC and considered it a good step that shall have a good impact on the Nepalese labor in the State and the relations of friendship between his country and the State of Qatar. He added that Qatar's National Human Rights Committee continuing communication with the communities in the state is important and vital, pointing out that there are about 400 thousand Nepalese working in Qatar. the Labor Chancellor of the Egyptian Embassy in Qatar, Mr. Yasser Saeed, said that the establishment of offices of the communities of the National Human Rights Committee is a good leading initiative noting that it may be the first of its kind in the world. He expressed his satisfaction and happiness of this step, praising the continuous communion with the NHRC to consider any complaints concerning the workers. He said that the Egyptian community in Qatar estimated at about 200 thousand people. Mr. Leopoldo De Jesus, labor attaché at the Embassy of the Philippines in the State, said in a statement on behalf of the Filipino community in Qatar, I would like to thank the National Human Rights Committee and welcome this initiative which emphasizes the extent of concern for the rights of workers in Qatar, solving their problems, and addressing any problems they may face. Judge Fawaz Al Jtal, the four offices were opened due to the large number of members of these communities in Qatar. The National Human rights Committee was choosen to be the headquarters for these offices for more communication between the NHRC and the workers in the framework of the keenness of the NHRC for access to their rights as soon as possible. He pointed out that the opening of offices for workers in Qatar did not come by chance but after intense meeting with ambassadors and representatives of communities to solve the problems of workers, similar offices for other communities shall be opened in the near future.
