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The NHRC held award distribution ceremony of the competition of the martyr Ali Hassan Al-Jaber

The NHRC held award distribution ceremony of the competition of the martyr Ali Hassan Al-Jaber, Al Jazeera cameraman who was martyred in Libya in March 2011 while covering the events of the Libyan revolution The winner for the press release category, journalist Nasser Al-Sahli from Palestine who participated with a release under the title "immigration to Italy", for the category of documentary film, the Syrian director Khaled al Dughim for his film "A prisoner … outside the bars", and the third winner for the category of the press photo, Mr. Omar Bo Hafs from Yemen, who participated with an image on child labor. Dr. Al Marri said stated that "thanks to the large advertising this year, the number of participants increased three times compared to the previous year and noted that the NHRC seeks to develop the competition to be international in the coming seasons. He pointed out that the NHRC was keen to honor the winners in parallel with the celebration with «The Arab Day for Human Rights», which falls March 16 each year, pointing out that the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States marked the celebration this year under the theme «Protection of opinion and expression». With the aim to activate the decision of the General Secretariat of the Arab League, the NHRC has conducted a conference entitled «Freedom of opinion and expression in the Arab world - reality and ambition», in collaboration with Al Jazeera Network. Al Marri stressed that the rights to freedom of opinion and expression are fundamental inseparable human rights; stressing that all religions come to ensure the protection of theses rights, as stated in the Qur'an «So remind, [O Muhammad]; you are only a reminder, You are not over them a controller», the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said “Whoso- ever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” He pointed out that human rights standards, as contained in international conventions, treaties and declarations on freedom of opinion and expression have become part of part of the international law and incorporated into the states' domestic legislation and constitutions; in this context, the Qatari Constitution devoted to freedom of opinion and expression and stipulated in Article (47) that "Freedom of expression of opinion and scientific research is guaranteed in accordance with the conditions and circumstances set forth in the law". Dr. Mustafa Souag, Acting Director General of AlJazeera Network, renewed his condolences to the family of the martyr Ali Hassan Al-Jaber, stressing that this family should be proud of him who sacrificed his life for the redemption of truth and freedom of opinion and expression. He added that organizing this competition by the NHRC reflects the state's concern of freedom of opinion and expression; He added that the killers of Al Jaber wanted to blur the truth by killing him, however they died as they lived and the truth and Al Jaber live in the hearts and minds of millions of people, and the memory is renewed each year.. The HE Mrs. Mary girl Abdullah Al-Attiyah, secretary-general of the National Commission for Human Rights, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the award of the martyr Ali Hassan al-Jaber announced the winners of the martyr in the off-season and the fourth of the three categories of the image photographic journalist, investigative and documentary film. Ms. Maryam Al-Attiyah, secretary general of the NHRC stated that "thanks to the large advertising this year, the number of participants increased three times compared to the previous year and noted that the NHRC seeks to develop the competition to be international in the coming seasons. The National Human Rights Committee, the organizer of the competition, has limited the award in the first year to one work only so that the candidate should have provided significant and distinctive contributions through his/her work in the detection of crimes or serious violations committed against a people, and should have contributed to the prevention of such crimes and violations and revealed them to the public opinion. It is worth mentioning that the Palestinian photographer Mohammed Othman won the award in the 1st season, he is a victim to Israeli violence aimed at preventing him from reporting events in Gaza through his camera. In the 2nd year, the award has been divided into three categories, in the category of the press photo, the winner was Khalil Abu Hamra from Egypt, in the category of the press release, the winner was Eidi Al Menifi from Yemen and in the documentary film category, the winner was Media Town Company. In the 3rd season, for the press release category, the Egyptian journalist Mohamed Saeed, for the category of documentary film, Hafsa Aubl from Yemen and the third winner for the category of the press photo was the Syrian journalist Mohamed Ghassan Al Jirwidi. Al-Attiyah extended thanks and appreciation to the Board of Trustees including Mr. Sultan bin Hassan Al Jamali, deputy chairman; members include Mr. Ali Nasser Al Qubaisi, Director of Qatar Radio and Mr. Khalid Hassan Al Rumaihi, representative of the manager of Al Rayan channel, Mr. Mubarak Nasser Al Awami representative of Qatar TV, Mr. Saad Safar Al Kuwari, representative of the director of Gulf radio, Mr. Saleh Hamad Al Shawi, Director of Doha Centre for Media Freedom, and Mr. Yasser Qeshi, representative of the Director of freedoms and human rights department at Al-Jazeera; saying that this constellation of members remains committed to its membership during the previous three seasons and has been interested in extending to the technical committee its proposals and opinions relating to terms and competition categories. Al-Attiyah added that we are proud of our Board of Trustees and their commitment until this year's fourth season, members represent pivotal institutions in the Qatari media movement and their experiences reinforced the choice of the best participating works in previous seasons in a way that is characterized by professionalism and credibility in support of a common message to freedom of opinion and expression.
